Help us to provide clean water and save more lives! 

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Quaker Congo Partnership UK

“To improve the physical and mental health and education and relieve the poverty of people of the Great Lakes Region of Africa and in particular those in the area of the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. To promote the furtherance of peace, equality and human rights in that area. To raise funds and provide grants, mentoring and general assistance to hospitals, schools, formal and informal groups and individuals in order to further such objects, in particular supporting projects run by the ‘Communaute des Eglises Evangeliques des Amis au Congo’ (CEEACO).”

 Our Mission 
Read our newsletter for Winter 2024

Please click the image on the right to read about recent events in Congo and developments in our projects.

Quaker Congo Partnership UK (QCP UK) has worked with Congolese Quakers in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) since 2009. Our core projects - a rural hospital, trauma counselling, supplying clean water, peace building and a scheme giving women the skills and resources to improve their livelihood - benefit 40,000 people living close to Lake Tanganyika and the Congolese border with Burundi. Our partner is called CEEACO (Community of the Evangelical Friends' Churches in Congo). Its vital services are available to those of all religions and none.


This is one of the poorest areas in the world, with incomes of less than $1 per day.  Although very rural, it is heavily populated.   Levels of  poverty, malaria, malnutrition, infant mortality and illiteracy are high as are incidences of trauma and sexual violence. The area was beset by terrible wars from 1996 – 2003 in which some five million people died.


To this day depleted militias roam, causing occasional violence and bloodshed. There is little infrastructure and funding from national and regional governments is virtually non-existent. Apart from QCP UK, there are few other NGOs working in the area.


Despite the terrible effects of war and unrest in the eastern DRC, CEEACO has done remarkable work, managing to keep its services going and to develop its project work.

 About us 

We seek £75K, based on current project estimates and exchange rates. 

We have raised £69K so far.
Please donate to save lives and be a catalyst for change! 

Women no longer risk violence on perilous journeys to fetch dirty water from Lake Tanganyika. Deaths from preventable waterborne diseases have reduced by 95%. Now let’s extend this lifeline to the neighbouring village of Mkwezi where families still suffer the same hardships. With your support we can break the cycle of danger and disease. 


This short video was made with WhatsApps clips sent from the Congo.




We brought clean water to the village of Abeka
and have witnessed its profound impact.



A trustee's visit to our partners in the Congo

Catherine - one of our trustees - and her husband visited our partners and projects in the DRC via Burundi.
Click the picture below to read Catherine's account of their travels.

Please donate by clicking one of the buttons below

And here are some more pictures they took on the way.

Women no longer risk violence on perilous journeys to fetch dirty water from Lake Tanganyika. Deaths from preventable waterborne diseases have reduced by 95%. Now let’s extend this lifeline to the neighbouring village of Mkwezi where families still suffer the same hardships. With your support we can break the cycle of danger and disease. 


This short video was made with WhatsApps clips sent from the Congo.




We brought clean water to the village of Abeka
and have witnessed its profound impact.



Emergency appeal for families fleeing violence in Goma



In North Kivu in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo the rebel group M23 has forced many of the local population to flee their homes and farms to displaced persons camps around the town of Goma. The M23 are attempting to gain control of the mines in the region. There are about 77 Quakers families among those in the camps. Quakers from Goma have been giving them what support they can, but their resources are very stretched, and we have recently heard that M23 have taken Goma itself. Those in the camps are in need of food, tarpaulins for shelter, cooking pots, cutlery and crockery, clothes, school fees and equipment and other basic things.

M23 has now taken large areas of South Kivu, so many more people are being displaced, fleeing to Bukavu. Local Quakers are giving what support they can to the refugees but need our help.


£23 will buy 25kg of rice, £30 will buy 30 litres of vegetable oil, £130 will buy 100kg of beans, £25 will buy a tarpaulin for shelter, £215 will pay school fees and kit for a child for a year.


Please give what you can by clicking the button below.